Stereo and bridged mode; Dual Variable Speed Fan Cooling; 立体声。桥接和并接模式;
Application of Dual Variable Structure Control in PMSM AC Servo System 双变结构控制在永磁交流伺服系统中的应用
Lagrange multiplier and dual choice variable 拉格朗日乘数和对偶选择变量
A new, dual plenum variable intake helped increase power and a new suspension made the ride even smoother. 一种新的,双可变进全会有助于提高功率和新的悬挂使乘坐更加流畅。
This article concerns the shadow cost concept and discusses the relationship between shadow cost and dual price according to linear programming's economic meaning of dual variable and shadow price. 摘要本文根据线性规划问题对偶变数和影子价格的经济意义,给出了影子成本的概念,讨论了影子成本与对偶价格的关系。
Research on Dual Variable Numerical Control System of Sheet Processing Machine 板料机床二元变量数字控制系统的研究
Symplectic method based on dual variable principle and independent momentum at two ends 基于对偶变量变分原理和两端动量独立变量的保辛方法
This paper studied the three-phase PWM ( pulse width modulation) rectifier in dual PWM variable frequency speed regulation system. 对双PWM变频调速系统中的三相PWM整流器及其控制方法进行了研究。
Dual Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control Design for BTT Missile Autopilot 双滑模变结构控制的BTT导弹自动驾驶仪设计研究
Based on using the functions of concentrator column and concentration pump, a new variable, "product of concentration and time", is introduced into the traditional ion chromatography and a dual variable analysis technique is presented. 利用离子色谱仪浓缩柱和浓缩泵的功能,在传统离子色谱法中引入了进样浓缩时间变量。
Dual-variable analysis technique for ion chromatograqhy 离子色谱双变量法分析技术
The fracture probability was calculated also by using of Monte Carlo method of dual variable, method of JC and Monte Carlo method. The calculation results were compared and discussed. 又采用了对偶变量蒙特卡洛法、JC方法、蒙特卡洛方法计算焊接结构断裂失效概率,并比较和讨论了这些结果。
Integrated Control Strategy for Dual State Continuously Variable Transmission System 双状态无级变速传动综合控制策略
The dual variable FEM was applied in waveguide problem, and the wavenumbers were determined. 将电磁对偶有限元应用于电磁波导计算中,可确定电磁波导的传播常数。
Study on digital dual closed-loop chopper inner-feed cascade variable speed drive system based on state-space averaging model and its application 基于状态空间平均模型的全数字双闭环斩波内馈串级调速系统
Through a study in the efficiency of the engine and the variable displacement pump of the dual pump, full power variable displacement hydraulic system on single bucket excavator, a math model for co-operation of engine-variable displacement pump system is established. 本文通过对双泵全功率变量液压系统的单斗液压挖掘机发动机效率、变量泵效率的研究,建立了发动机-变量泵系统共同工作的数学模型。
The improvement to the method of variable combination makes the problem of dual variable separation in geometric programming with a multi difficulty degree simple and easy to solve. 对变量组合法进行了改进,使多困难度几何规划中对偶变量分离问题简单易解。
Research Based on Dual Single Chip Variable Speed Wind Generation System 基于双单片机的变速风力发电系统的研究
A dual frequency measurement method with variable precision was used to measure object shapes with sudden surface changes. 为准确测量物体的突变形面,通常采用一种双频变精度方法。
Electro-Magnetic Dual Variable Finite Element and its Application in Wave Guide Problem 电磁对偶有限元及在波导计算中的应用
Dual stator variable reluctance motor ( VRM) has high nonlinear characteristics, and results in difficulties when torque control is required. 针对直接驱动双定子变磁阻电机存在严重的非线性,转矩控制困难,对负载扰动敏感的控制难点,给出一种此类电机的高性能控制算法。
Technology is the dual variable by setting the two samples, two kinds of simulation. 对偶变量技术是通过设置两组样本,两种模拟过程。
Based on the model characteristic, we can find up iterative solutions with the dual variable method and the cycle method. 结合模型的特点,利用对偶变量法以及闭回路法对当前解迭代改进,直至得到满意解。
A lot of unit tests have been taken to gain sufficient data with which dual variable coal cost characteristic surfaces have been established by least-square method. An optimal solution has been found by successive gradient optimization. 本论文将通过大量试验获得的数据运用曲面拟合的最小二乘法建立了双变量煤耗特性曲面,并结合煤气全利用逐次梯度寻优法获得机组综合分配问题的较优解。
We model the dual closed-loop and variable speed control system with the time-variety load on the General Bar Autonomous Soccer Robot. 对GeneralBar全自主足球机器人的变负载下双闭环调速系统进行建模。
In the system, one spatial coordinate is simulated to the time and the dual variable is obtained from the elastic potential energy. The dual equations, in Hamiltonian system, are shown with the aid of the Hamiltonian principle. 以一空间坐标模拟时间,利用弹性势能得到对偶变量,并运用哈密顿原理构造出哈密顿体系下的对偶正则方程组。
The research production of this paper will offer practical value to research and develop dual PWM variable frequency system further. 本文的实验研究成果为进一步研究和开发双PWM变频调速系统提供了实用价值。
Results show that, the coal consumption of the plant can be reduced by dual variable successive gradient optimization methods in the units 'load and fuel optimal distribution and impressive economic benefits can be achieved. 结果表明,应用双变量逐次梯度寻优分配方法进行机组负荷与燃料优化分配运行可以减少电厂煤耗,为电厂带来良好的经济效益。
Technology can eliminate the dual variable number of variance swaps in the non-singular part of the function. 对偶变量技术能够消除掉一些方差中的函数中的非奇异部分。
Also divided into control variables technique, the dual variable technology, based on importance sampling and stratified sampling, Latin Hypercube techniques. 具体又分为控制变量技术、对偶变量技术、重要抽样和分层抽样基础、拉丁超立方技术。